25 July 2013

film is rad.

I've recently welcomed a new camera to the family (geek speak = Nikon FE with 28mm f2.8 lens) and these images are from my first roll I shot to test it out!  Pics are of my parent's pup Mitsy, the boys, out bush, and the hand one is a double exposure in-camera.  How cool is that function on a camera!?!  The answer is awesome.

Film is so rad.  I love sitting at the computer less and shooting film more.

18 July 2013

hey little world.



missing appearances.




screenshot of dissolve



The hey little world. series was created at Federation Square, Melbourne, during my time at Visible Studios, a short term Artist in Residence program curated by Sayraphim Lothian.

Federation Square looks quite industrial with all the exposed steel beams so I wanted to bring human and nature elements into each performance, while still keeping the imagery quite dark and cold looking.  Before I started shooting I spent a day in the space working out where I'd be able to climb and cram myself into, and what movements I could perform in response to the environment I was in.  I also did some filming for each location so stay tuned for a short film.... shortly!

Visible Studios was an amazing and awesomely fun experience.  I love the freedom of creating to create, not for a deadline.

Ps. you can check lots of behind the scenes pics here.